Friday, July 10, 2009


Well today was a hard day for me..... My friend Amber's funeral was today....... As I sat in the car in front of the church waiting to go in, I got this ball in my stomach..... I told Amber at that point that I loved her dearly and will miss her, But that I was pissed off at her! I told her I shouldn't be doing this today....... But that didn't stop time, or the fact that I still had to walk in there and face what I knew was going to be complete sadness..... It was a beautiful tribute to her and if you knew Amber there wasn't one bad thing you could say about her..... It was hard watching her son and brothers today try to pick up the pieces and answer questions that there are NO answers for...... WHY.... WHY..... WHY....... I guess I am selfish that way I know she is at peace and finally feeling the love she has always longed for, but we want her back here!
And just when I think the whole day is going to stink......
I go next door to pick up Blake and Jaylee.... Jaylee comes around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and looks up to see me....... MOMMAAAAAAA! with a huge grin is all she had to say and my day was BETTER! What a great way to change my outlook........

Kali left for Colorado today to go white water rafting with our church youth group until Sunday..... yes she was pumped to say the least...... I don't think she slept a wink..... So of course we miss her and Blake wanted her back to take him swimming like every other day..... But I am sure she is enjoying the break of crazzzzzziness that goes on in this family.....

Blake and Jaylee just had to settle for the sprinkler under the trampoline...... They are hoot together..... Blake jumps and Jaylee flies in the air with laughterrrrrrr....... She is in the mode of wanting to do everything her big brother wants to do..... UH??????? not sure that is the best role model right now, but it is cute to watch her try to be a dare devil like Blake........ We will have to reevaluate that later if she continues to watch the WILD boy! theeeehhheeeSounds like Jeff and Amy will be home by Tues...... WOW what a trip..... they are emotionally and physically EXHAUSTED! who wouldn't be...... Mom and Dad are going down on Wed. to meet the kiddos and give lots of love to them all. Well I am off to bed...... Hopefully the temp. tomorrow is much COOOOLLLEEERRRR!

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