Sadness and Happiness
Well I couldn't sleep...... Yes it is a "happy" day.... I guess...... :) I am having a birthday today..... It has been a hard week as I ponder why one of my dear friends lost her life this week. Amber Becker (Unruh) had fought depression for years..... in and out of happiness.... She had adopted a boy from ? and had been the most awesome mom, slash wife I knew...... She had terrible diabetes and struggled with that from when she was very little.... She had recently gotten divorced last year and tried to end her life in March of this year, but luckily her dad had found her in time..... As we talked after that time she seemed "better", but struggled every day to be happy..... She had to work hard at it..... I am troubled by the fact of such a giving, sweet, intelligent, hard working mother, would have be so sad as to take her own life..... A person that would do anything for you and be there no matter what.... She was a GIVER! I know she is finally at peace with herself and can rest easy with the Lord, But what does that leave for those left behind...... She felt like she was a burden to her son and family..... She always fought to be "loved" and to have a family of her own........... WHY??????? She will be missed and remembered.
I think that is why I can't sleep thinking of the precious life I have lead , not always easy, with unconditional love and support from my family that chose me 37 years ago..... I can't imagine my life if they hadn't have come to the hospital and took me for what would be the best and most precious ride of my life...... I have never once doubted my parents love, and knew that adopting me was the best thing that could have happened to me...... People always ask me about searching for my birth mother...... Well..... I say I have never once felt the need to...... Yes curiosity sometimes gets me thinking.... BUT I never once felt a missing part of myself or that I was missing anything in my life..... I would like to meet her and thank her, for making the hardest decision I am sure in her life on July 7th 1972, and tell her she gave me a chance and a love of a life time with Marlene, Jon and Jeff Risley.
So as I mourn my friends death this week I also thank God for the life, love, and family he has given me to continue on with my precious husband and children.
That's a very nice post, Amie. I'm sorry about your friend. We're leaving Cali today to go to Bogota. I'll give you a call when I get a chance. Happy Birthday (yesterday). :-)