Today is my mom's birthday! She is how old? You will have to take some guesses..... Let's just say she is ONE day older than my dad..... Happy Birthday to you both! We love you and hope you enjoy both days! We will be headed to the farm tom. (Thurs.) to celebrate both! The kids are looking forward to another day on the farm and seeing meema and papa!
Today has been a better day for Miss Kali at least she is speaking to me and actually smiling..... but it is only 1:27 so we will see how the day goes of her loving her "mean" mom.....
She had VB camp again today and said I was a "killer" setter today! whoooo So I am assuming that means she had an awesome day! VB is her thing, she loves it! Being a setter brings back the old days for me...... so maybe she is JUST like me, but honestly I don't remember throwing fits like she does..... ahahah whatever.... Mom said she got a good laugh about my blog yesterday thinking about me and my "fits"...... of course we can all laugh about it now, BUT it was not funny
then.... teeehhe
Blake had a great morning...... Donuts, Golf, and Library.... They had a special treat today at the library.... He got to meat Skippy John Jones..... He is a cat character with BIG ears and thinks he is chihuahua dog...... They had a story teller which was HILARIOUS! She had that Mexican accent.......... then the big CAT came out for hugs! It was a fun time for everyone!
Of course little Miss Jaylee was running around hi fiving everyone, so her stay at the library was a short one..... It was hard to take her home early, cause everyone just thought she was the cutest thing ever! BUT no one could hear the story teller!
OOPS! ha
Blake and Kali are in a sidewalk drawing contest this afternoon and everyone will have ice cream after that! yummy! Then I am sure the kids will want to swim..... :)
The "paint" lady is here painting the bathrooms and laundry room today! WOW it is so fun to watch someone else paint and tape, besides me! Now that chalks it up to be a fantastic day!
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