First Days.... COME.... and GONE..........
Well as you can see the first days of
school were weeks ago.... It was a happy day.... busy day....and sad day.....
Blake woke up happy, Kali woke up late, and Jaylee wanted to stay with mommy! And I woke up on time and ready to start a new year! yes I cried when I dropped Jaylee off, but knew she would be fine and happy to play with her buddy Braxton.
Jason stayed home to take the wild boy to his first day..........
Daddy said he teared up when they pulled into the parking lot, but all was well when he came to his classroom..... YES I cried when he went in also......
And I really cried when Kali left to walk into the school..... It is her LAST year in Junior High..... Where has all the time went? That means I only have 4 1/2 short years left with her at home.... It seems just like yesterday it was her and I ONLY..... we have been thru good and bad, funny, sad and everything in between......
I have a great class this year! Calm and a lot less of them..... I only have 15 students.... It feels like Christmas everyday in there! haha I can actually walk around in my classroom since there aren't 23 little desks......
So for now things are in FULL SWING again at the SCHILLING'S.....
Between Volleyball, Cheerleading, JH social life, and homework, Kali NEVER has a free moment, to at least help around the house..... ahaha
Blake is still liking school, but we just know he'd rather be playing or hunting everyday.... so bribes are working lovely!
And Jaylee is growing way to fast.... No more high chairs, using forks and spoons all on her own and still scolding her big brother and sister! LIFE IS GOOD!
Will keep you posted about HOMECOMING her at Cimarron..... They voted Blake to be the football attendant........ Yes he will be looking "way cool" as he puts it and the best part for him he told us yesterday is "I get to stand by hot girls"....... uhhhhhhh yes his father heard all about that little comment from me!
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