Friday, September 25, 2009

Days go by......

Where does all the time go??????

This week has been busy...  I guess like every week, but the cold chill of  the air makes me 
just want to be at home even more with my kids.   Jaylee is growing way tooooo fast, Blake is learning so much and Kali is on the go constantly.......   I don't have anything major to type about today, but just wanted to share some pictures with you..... 
 We will be at Holcomb for Kali's Volleyball tourney...... 
and poor Jaylee gets 4 shots today....
I am sure Blake and Jason will go to the FB game here tonight to watch Kali march in the band, But I think little love bug and I will stay home where it is warm and cuddly......   

Monday, September 21, 2009

What a weekend!

Homecoming 2009

As you can see Blake was the little stud this weekend we all knew he was! He was chosen to be the Homecoming Football attendant.... and yes Jacee was ADORABLE too! What Dollies!
He wasn't to excited about dressing up, but when he woke up the next day he said "Hey mom do I get to do that all again today?" So he must have enjoyed it more than we thought! His favorite part was getting the signed football by the BLUEJAYS.... I don't think he has put it down since they handed it to him..... They announced his name and had asked him the following questions before the game.... Favorites: TV show- Drake and Josh. Color-Camo,
Thing to eat-spaghetti and when he grows up he wants to be a Pro-Football player! Of course the crowd chuckled on the "camo" part.....

Kali played in the band Friday night for the game and Saturday for the parade.... We sat in Dewey's drive to watch the parade! CANDY HEAVEN..... Jaylee and Blake came home with a bag full!

So it was a great weekend and the town was filled with old friends and family.... Jason and I had a blast even though we are not Cimarron Alumni.....


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Putting things in Perspective for me......
I have had a busy week, not any busier than normal,
 but it all seemed to overwhelm me today.....
I got on the "Macs" blog to see how they were.....  If you have forgotten that is baby Cora's parents, the ones we grew to know and love while Jaylee was in the hospital in Wichita.   Cora went to be with God three short weeks after she was diagnosed with cancer.  As I read their blog I sat and cried.....  Jess is an amazing woman and mother....  She expresses her feeling so well.  She was saying how this week had been hard on them.  Everything and everyday starts without Cora now and their hearts continue to hurt.  
They had posted a song on the blog called God you Reign.  I listened and of course by the end I was sobbing!  I sat at my desk and thought wow how could I even be down or grouchy about my week and my kids behaviors, when she doesn't have her little girl anymore....  My life seems so simple compared to theirs.    I often wonder why they were put in our path as we both were scared to death in Wichita?  I thank God daily that we are part of their lives and that we have grown to be a part of a wonderful family of close friends, but it still burns deep in my heart about there outcome and ours.  
 WHY, is the question did they have to lose their sweet baby.   I look at Jaylee everyday and know how lucky we are to have her here.   I am fearing this cold season like you wouldn't believe.....  My kids at school think I am a germ control freakkkkkkk.  My heart and stomach turn every time I hear and kid sneeze or cough!   I don't want to EVER go through what we did with Jaylee again!  I know God is watching over us and will keep us safe.....  And I guess I do know why he put the "Macs" in our lives!  
To make sure WE remember exactly what is IMPORTANT and put things in perspective for me DAILY!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Days

First Days....  COME.... and  GONE..........

Well as you can see the first days of 
school were weeks ago....  It was a happy day.... busy day....and sad day.....  
Blake woke up happy, Kali woke up late, and Jaylee wanted to stay with mommy!  And I woke up on time and ready to start a new year!  yes I cried when I dropped Jaylee off, but knew she would be fine and happy to play with her buddy Braxton.  

Jason stayed home to take the wild boy to his first day..........
  Daddy said he teared up when they pulled into the parking lot, but all was well when he came to his classroom.....  YES I cried when he went in also......  

And I really cried when Kali left to walk into the school.....  It is her LAST year in Junior High.....  Where has all the time went?   That means I only have 4 1/2 short years left with her at home....  It seems just like yesterday it was her and I ONLY.....  we have been thru good and bad, funny, sad and everything in between......  
I am looking forward to the many great times ahead with her and the other two rug rats!  :)

I have a great class this year!  Calm and a lot less of them.....  I only have 15 students....  It feels like Christmas everyday in there!  haha   I can actually walk around in my classroom since there aren't 23 little desks......    

So for now things are in FULL SWING again at the SCHILLING'S.....  
Between Volleyball, Cheerleading, JH social life, and homework, Kali NEVER has a free moment, to at least help around the house..... ahaha  
 Blake is still liking school, but we just know he'd rather be playing or hunting everyday....  so bribes are working lovely!  

And Jaylee is growing way to fast....  No more high chairs, using forks and spoons all on her own and still scolding her big brother and sister!   LIFE IS GOOD!

Will keep you posted about HOMECOMING her at Cimarron.....  They voted Blake to be the football attendant........  Yes he will be looking "way cool" as he puts it and the best part for him he told us yesterday is "I get to stand by hot girls".......  uhhhhhhh  yes his father heard all about that little comment from me!  

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted lately.....  Our computer at home hasn't been working right.....  UH and you know me, MISS NO TECHNOLOGY, hasn't got a clue what in the hell is wrong with it....  It didn't work even when I yelled at it and kicked it.... ahahah

Just a little update.....  We are awesome, busy and there is still not one dull moment in our lives....   School is going well for us all.....  I will post pictures as soon as our computer works again.....   I will love to fill you in on our lives again soon,  BUT Jason just called and said Little Miss Jaylee is in a "MOOD", and wants the momma!  So I am out the door!  :) 

Life is still GOOD!  :)