Summer is OVER........
I know I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks..... I kept thinking if I don't post the pictures and type about the great times we have had together in the last couple of weeks, then my time with my kids all day long won't come to an end! Not the case as I found out when I had to go to work "officially" TODAY. I say OFFICIALLY because I spent probably 50+ hours up their last week just getting ready for the big day.
I know I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks..... I kept thinking if I don't post the pictures and type about the great times we have had together in the last couple of weeks, then my time with my kids all day long won't come to an end! Not the case as I found out when I had to go to work "officially" TODAY. I say OFFICIALLY because I spent probably 50+ hours up their last week just getting ready for the big day.
I have to be honest I am really dreading leaving the MY kids this year more than usual!
I don't know if it is because of the year we have had with Jaylee being so sick, meeting the Macs and losing Cora, or losing a dear friend, AMBER. All of these things have greatly impacted my life, so I seem to have a heavy heart about going back to work this time...... I tear up just thinking about the moments I am going to miss with the kids..... Yes there are some days I wanted to sell all three of them, but I have learned to cherish EVERY minute and there will be tooooo many minutes away from them. I keep thinking I have to change this attitude QUICKLY because I know I will have 15 bright little faces on Thurs. just waiting to have a successful and fun year with who? ME...... So I WILL once again do it and love it, but hurt in my heart because my own kids are growing up without me 9+ hours a day.
We have had so many things going on in the last two weeks it is hard to post about them all, so I
will post pictures and you can decide for yourselves if our lives have calmed down any???????
At Jeff and Amy's in Lawrence: The kids were cooling off in the pool!
Mari and her contagious laugh! what a dolly!
They say she is a little drama queen at times,
but of course Tia Amie didn't see it! hah ahahaha ....
They loved hugging big Tio Jason!
T-REX: Cool restaurant at the Legends mall: They could even dig for fossils or build a "Dino".
And then comes the REAL FUN????? Bull riding???? yep you guessed it.... the boys thought they needed to ride the big bull! ha
Look at them, they are twins! tooooooo FUNNY!
and then of course little Missyyyyy had to show them up!
And after every day this is the end result! GOOOODDDD TIMEEESSSSS!
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