We have had a hard time trying to decide if we should hold Blake back a year for Kindergarten. It has wayed heavy on my mind since he started pre-school last year. He struggles..... Of course we thought it was just him being "all boy"..... then came his speech problem, then came his frustration, and now he actually "hates" school..... A teachers kid who hates school...... of course as a Teacher I always thought situations like this were a NO BRAINER..... Don't make the kid struggle his entire life, let him be successful, holding him back will ONLY benefit him in the long run..... Sounds like I have all the answers right? Now as a mom..... He cried when we talked to him about maybe staying back to make things easier for him..... "I just want to be with my friends", "School is hard for me" and then came the flood of tears..... not mad tears, heartbroken tears........ My mom instinct says, he will be fine and we are sending him, but my teacher instinct says we are not sending him to Kindergarten next year..... It is SUCH a hard decision...... but I know one thing is for sure Jason and I only want what is best for him..... and sometimes that reality comes with tears for us all! We don't want him to struggle and all we want for him is hard working success!
After reading this I find myself teary eyed and knowing the answer......
Trust your gut. Your instincts are better than anyone's I know, especially when it comes to being a mom.