In four short race through years she will be out the door..... some may think Jr. High graduation isn't such a big deal, but for me it is just one step closer to having her leave me? UGGGGG....
I am trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to see her walk on stage to get her diploma but it isn't going so well.
For the longest time it was just HER AND I...... she was my survival for six years on our own. She was the reason I got up every morning, she was the reason for everything after my divorce. Even though life has changed and is awesome I still reflect back on our time alone together and wish it wasn't like a distant memory......
You and I both know the next four years will FLY by with no stopping and the
real break down will hit me! Until then I just plan on treasuring every second with her even when she wants nothing to do with me or laundry or helping around the house! ahaha