Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kali's Big day is near!

Kali Graduates from Jr. High on Thursday!  Holy cow where has the time gone?  
In four short race through years she will be out the door.....  some may think Jr. High graduation isn't such a big deal, but for me it is just one step closer to having her leave me?  UGGGGG....   

I am trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to see her walk on stage to get her diploma but it isn't going so well.

   For the longest time it was just HER AND I......  she was my survival for six years on our own.  She was the reason I got up every morning, she was the reason for everything after my divorce.   Even though life has changed and is awesome I still reflect back on our time alone together and wish it wasn't like a distant memory...... 
 You and I both know the next four years will FLY by with no stopping and the 
real break down will hit me!  Until then I just plan on treasuring every second with her even when she wants nothing to do with me or laundry or helping around the house!    ahaha

Monday, January 25, 2010

A year has gone by since that dreaded day!

Well as you can see I have NOT done a good job keeping up with this blog.  It's not that our lives have slowed done one bit, and that I don't have anything to blog about.......  It's just a rat race everyday to enjoy the little things like a simple kiss from my kiddos, or supper on the table before 8:00 pm.  ha     

I wasn't going to blog about this, simply because it still just stops me to my core every time I think about Jan. 23rd 2009............ but felt it was way past due to celebrate the fact that Jaylee has made it through a whole year without being in the hospital again.  

It seems just like a few days ago we were at the doctors office for a bad cough 
and went from scared to TERRIFIED and flying to Wichita with a
 ventilator hooked up to her to save her life.     I still remember thinking PLEASE GOD just let us get to the ICU without her coding.    Nine days of prayers, meeting new people and having old but true friends take care of us! 

 That is where we also met the most amazing family The Macs.  Their sweet angel Cora was diagnosed with Cancer the day before we got there and sadly lost their sweetheart 17 days later.    As we have grown to know and love them we still think of those bitter sweet days at the hospital together!  We were so glad and blessed Jaylee was getting better, but still so SCARED and HURT for them losing their precious baby.  

 Meeting them and going through that has changed our lives even still today.
I still cry thinking about it ALL! 

 I watch Jaylee run, talk, laugh, and grow each day and realize how blessed and lucky we are!  

I do know that life is precious and should NOT be taken for granted!  

As everything:  LIFE flies by and we are still just trying to HOLD ON and ENJOY every minute of our crazzzzyyyyy lives with our THREE wonderful KIDDOS!